Sunday, June 14, 2009

time machine question

Ladies and Gentlemen... Boys and Girls... answer this question.

If you had the chance to be frozen for 100 years. Would you do it?

let me explain,

you won a chance, and you've been selected to be frozen for 100 years (till 2110... the 5 additional months are a bonus), you'd be guaranteed that this procedure is safe...

lets say

1. you do not have to worry about money (they will save some for you in a bank account or something)

2. you can't take anyone with you... just you.

3. you CAN take with you a suitcase or some items along.

so would you do it?

i personally would... the curiosity will lead me to do it.

of course, that means you have to say goodbye to everything you know... most probably all the people you know will be dead by then. maybe you can track down your grand children or relatives... who knows...

so would you do it?

Please note, there is no coming back... Thats it! once you go to 2110, you cant come back :/


The Senorita said...

I will not go unless it's temporary thing and I can come back to my original time.
Although Im also curious how the world will be after 100 years but I can't give up and leave my family and friends.

There will be no home to go back, no single person to call and talk to when feeling homesick :(

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

ill do it

Indy said...

sleeping for 100 years sounds tempting :P

The Bodyguard said...

I will do it, it feels very tempting to see how the world will be then .

But i am wondering how the burger shops will be :)

Mowgli Fan Club said...

i think i will do it :p

Abdulaziz said...

mowgli fan club? LOOOOL who is this hahahahahahah but thank you... what a compliment loool

Me said...

Are you serious? Leave everything? why? to start all over again………NO.
I am curious but not that much