Okay! After sleeping on it... in hindsight i think i was a bit over the top.
I made some mistakes, (1) I have generalized one act of stupidity to mean that those people are stupid. (2) i was a bit hard on those people, if i want them to change, then certainly making fun of them is not the right way to go.
Thank you for your comments, and i'll try to change...
But please understand... (hard to believe but) my anger comes from a place of love :/
I'll go back and change some parts of the post, in red color... as a reminder of all the blood shed that was spilled lol

Everyone once in a while, a someone would take the media and news by storm when he/she claims to have seen jesus christ on his bread, wall, ceiling... etc...
And i, like many of (comment here removed) people in the world, find it very amusing how human beings are like this! How they can force themselves into believing anything!
Meanwhile... Evolution is soooo far fetched???
And today... i got this email with this picture below...

I also found a stone with a massage on it...

I hope i made this post a bit more friendly :/
Yeah…..I see these things, hear them talking about it, and don’t believe how silly we can be.
It has to do a lot with a mind was wasted. Faith has nothing to do with it, only a lot of free time.
to them: Get real....
By the way, its good to be realistic in everything we face in our lives, but I dont think that we have to believe that everything in our life is realistic. Lots of things we see are not realistic.
On the other hand, many people now adays believes in mericals, I dont think that we have a right to call them crazy or stupid. We belive that they are wrong, but they think that they are right. Each one think from his own angle. No body knows who is right.
Intresting subject :)
the boy in the picture seems familiar to me ... lol :)
yalla ya jama3a, lets have apples every day for breakfast .
nothing wrong had written and if anybody believes it should be stupid.
Evolution is awesome!
LOL: Ahmadinejad cheated! You're a genius.
I totally agree these things are found in every religion and i see it all just nonsence, but I wanted to see your opinion on this subject, I have these questions and I'm curious to see what answers you will give me because I'm becoming more and more interested in this kind of stuff. What is a belief?
How are beliefs formed? Why do we belief in things and later in life we say to ourselves How did I belief this in the first place?
When do we know if what we belief is true?
What is the difference between truth and belief?
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