Last friday our maid came to me and told me that my car was "damaged", and she said there was a big scratch on the hood. She feared that i'd blame her and get angry. Of course, i told her not to worry about it and i don't care.
I did care, and i think i was thinking of the scratch for around 5 minutes. Then i saw the scratch and it is not a small scratch. So i think i felt bad for another 5 minutes.
I forgot about it soon after, but i'm sure every time i'll see it, it would kind of pinch my heart a little.
Which... got me thinking...
If my car was half the price it was, would i have worried or thought about it half the amount of time? If my car cost 2 times more than it did, would i have worried twice as much?
I know that i should not be materialistic, and i am trying hard to lose that side of me, of course, this means that i have to go against everything in this world because everything is supporting materialism, from the fancy advertisements, to hollywood, to peer pressure... everything supports materialism and egotism and selfishness.
In the end... i own the car, IT DOESNT OWN ME.
i am sorry for the moments i spent... i wasted... thinking about the scratch... these moments will noe come back... they are forever gone.
I ask God to give me the strength and determination to continue down this path of fighting the materialist in me, and when it comes to my next car purchase (many years from now i hope), i would think less of image, and more of value and how i can better use that money to support mankind.
I am not Buddha and will never be as virtuous as the people we read about in history books... but it doesn't hurt if i try to be.
Dear Mowgli,
Im sorry about the scretch. You are not thinking about it, and you are not spending time in thinking about it, you are just pissed off what happen. It really piss off, why, who, how this happened. But its ok, as the egyptions say ( KAFARA).
I would like to give you a small advice, if you folow it, most probobly noting will happen to your car or anything you own again.
offff!!!! :(
Allah yesam7ik ;)
"In the end... I own the car, IT DOESNT OWN ME."
That's so true,
Sorry about the scratch, but your fan club would like to fix your car ONCE we collect the club contributions; ONCE we start to have our first Mowgli Fan Club member ;p
is that u ? mowgly fan?
are u for real?
la wallah it is NOT me... i dont know who it is :P but most probably someone in the company.
Good Morning,
This is deep man. I would get angry not because of the high value of the car but because of the low value of the person who have done the scratch. We like to think that we are living in a civilized place. But let us think about it. Do we? In the U.S. it's not a crime to take someone life to defend others life and, or properties. I wish government would allow us for the same.
I think who did this was out of pure jealousy.....sara7a, ako nas ma tit7amal inah a7ad gherhom yekoun
3ayesh aw 3andah shay a7san minhom.
ohh Haram:(
u should know who did this 4r ur car...
As you know, I drive a Lexus RX330. A very nice car and I love her a lot. However, she has been pooped and peed on, she has had crayon markings on her, and she has needed to be deeply vacuumed and cleaned many a times (all because of a two-year old kid). She's also got a couple of deep scratches on her corners...but she's a survivor.
I'm sorry your car got so brutally scratched, but like you said, you own it, not the other way around. What has been done can be fixed. This is the perfect opportunity to 'rise above it'.
Again, that sucks, I'm sorry.
I would have been in a bad mood if this happened to my car, and I guess it is very normal to feel so. Don’t be very sensitive and hard on yourself, it is just being human been. On the same time there is no harm on trying to be Buddha, who knows....
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