Okay... since ONLY 3 people (EHY's I.T. Staff) are waiting for this post... I hope you read it with good faith :/ and keep an open mind... see the humor side of it? :/
so here it is...
I have managed the retail department staff. They were approximately 150 people at any given moment. And i think i managed them well if i might add.
But… a big fat huge “giganta-normous” BUT… I cannot manage 10 or so M.I.S staff. I lose my cool almost every time I deal with them. They drive me insane. I think engineers (especially IT related engineers) are just… AARRGGHH… they are difficult to deal with.
To manage an IT department or MIS department, someone needs patience and lots of it (duffle bags actually). I come from a marketing and business background, and even though I think I’m quite tech savvy and I know my way around technology, IT, and those glossaries and terms used by techies (nerds), I am driven insane interacting with them.
They are:
- Hardheaded and think they know it all (God forbid someone tells them you’re doing things wrong)… hell will break loose.
- Demanding… even the most loyal and hard working of them, actually (this might be a PLUS for them) they give from the heart but react from the heart also. For smart people, they don’t use their brains outside the IT world a lot.
If you’re GOOGLE or YAHOO, and the whole company is an IT company, then fine… structure it the way you want, don’t count on punctuality, or be strict regarding rules, regulations and policies, but if you’re a “normal” company, and IT/MIS is just one of many Support Departments, then good luck integrating that into the whole picture!
Get used to hearing [I want… I want… I need… I need… but!.. but!.. no… nooo… you’re wrong I’m right… he offended me… I’m pissed off at him… I’m unappreciated…]
And yes I kind of empathize with them since most of the time, their efforts are not tangible but give me a break… please… I am human no? I’m not immune to headaches yes?
Sometimes I think the only solution is for me to go to a kindergarten class and just try to manage the children there… then our IT people will not be so bad in comparison.
Am I wrong? Or have you had a similar experience? Or are you an IT person and took offense to this post? If all but the last one applies to you then please leave a comment. (if you’re the last one, I apologize, please don’t send me a virus via supersonic ultra blah blah blah waves while shouting a lord of the rings magic spell)
first thanks for Mowgli for posting this blog, WOOOOOOOW FINALLY we got what we are wating for. I know that none of the people who were wating this post are so happy after reading it, but honestly, IM SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy. im not joking, im really happy. You know why im happy???? If you want to why know please let me know then.
im sorry for all the IT people out there, but this is so TRUE and FUNNY!!! lol
it seems someone took it seriously though...
i am rude by nature
so i cant judge:P
please do not take offense, it is not directed at you... it is at all the MIS staff EXCEPT you. :D
I think i'm hated now :(
Correction! You're rude by nature AND you practiced hard to perfect it :P
Mowgli, sorry to say,you do not and cannot understand the IT People !
Sup DAWG!?
IT huh? Pfft .. you can't even get close to understanding them simply because you are at a sub-level dude!!!
We think with LOGIC. Most business people keep changing their minds every few days and we'd have to redo everything from scratch (infrastructure design, required hardware, ...etc.); that's of course because they (business drones) don't know what they want and/or don't have a proper business feasibility study... makes us IT gurus just pissed off man! (Chris Tucker's voice).
Yes. We're almost always right and you're wrong. That's how life is. Live with it dude. C'est la vie!
Punctuality is typical among engineers, but when we stay till like 8 or 11 PM (normal days) or till 3 AM (crisis days), do you really expect us to come at 8:30?!?!?! "I am human no?"
Yeah we get ticked off quickly like kids... oh wait ... I forgot to mention WHY: DUMB USERS!!!
If you spend a week answering user's requests you'd pull your eyebrows out man! And armpit hair too!
And after all our efforts in keeping the ailing infrastructure up & running 24/7, keeping the users happy (happy is relevant to our scale not theirs :p), we don't get what we deserve :'(
Underpaid workaholic monkeys, frustrated and have high blood pressure! Poor monkeys...
In kindergarten, everything is perfect: no lies, no stupidity, you get what you deserve: Life is peachy! That ain't the fact for our world.
So, answering your question: Yes, you are wrong. Sorry. It's a fact. "and keep an open mind... see the humor side of it?"
How come all the reactions are positive?! Typical marketing scam :p
Yours truly,
One of the THREE!
Very simple rule ...
If you want to deal with people X, you should first know how to deal with them.
"You can not manage what you don't understand."
Am I wrong?
Remember... "keep an open mind"
WOW ! One of the three, You are simply too good. You have just said what we "IT people" wanted to say..... about this post
Things i liked in your posts...
1. Sub Level Dude .. ;)
2. Business Drone
3. Marketing scam, they always do that on purpose.
I Also agree with the another anonymous user "Mowgli, sorry to say,you do not and cannot understand the IT People !"
Mowgli, you should try to be in our shoes, then you will understand.
Hopefully Mowgli is reading it....
You know what I hate? Being misquoted!
You should look at the humor side of it, hence the sub-level joke.
Quoting myself: "business drones" -- it wasn't someone in specific.
I was talking about the reactions feature in the blog, in case you got it wrong ;)
Don't you find it annoying???
As he complains that we don't see the full view, he seems to be missing our view ;)
I'm sure he read the comments already & laughed out loud, then stabbed a frog, or something :p
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