I often wonder about child psychology and how a child’s brain develops. Knowing that these early years have a profound impact on later years, I always think ahead about how I’ll treat my children.
Looking back, and this is only based on my personal opinion, the games and puzzles that I played during childhood. I think… again, I stress that “I think” these have played a big role in the way I think (for better or worse?).
Chess: Strategy, definitely this helped me to think a few steps in advance. Trying to predict the opposition’s every move. It also helped in teaching me how to bluff and reading into the opponent’s face.
Spot the Difference: Awareness and alertness are the by-product of playing this game. I still remember playing it with my grandfather Baba Naser (God rest his soul). And the element of time and competition also makes this whole process faster and forces the brain to process information quicker.
Memory Card Game: You know this one right? Lay out a deck of cards (or two) and try to guess and then remember positions of the cards, two of the same makes a point… etc. etc. do I need to say which part of the brain this helped? Cooking? No seriously, memory. A good memory is definitely one of my strong points. I remember every KD I lent to people (I’m kidding, I’m not stingy… but really… the two people I gave Laptops to, you owe me 260 KD and 230 KD… you know yourselves)
Stories: My father, every Thursday night on the drive back from chalet to home, used to tell us stories, and they’d continue from week to the next, sometimes lasting a month or so. I remember those stories would leave me marveled, enchanted, in a hazy day dream the next Friday. The whole atmosphere, the night ride back, the darkness and the empty highways, staring outside the car window and watching the highway lights flashing by, was just soil for enchantment. (I think I’ve covered this idea in a previous post, a good book to read about this is USES OF ENCHANTMENT). If I can factor out one thing that contributed most to my child like imagination which is with me to this day (and might be the largest contributing factor to my creativity) then it would be those Thursday night stories.
Kout Bu 6: I’m kidding…
Word Games: Scramble, Hangman, crosswords and other word games I wasn’t particularly into, I think they would have helped my vocabulary if I did play them when I was a child.
Are there any other games that might have helped in the development of us children? Please let me know your opinions and feedback regarding this.
I think for Businessmen who works in real state industry, they used to play Monopoly when they used to be kids.
For selly people, I belive they used to play SuperMario game which they run on their selly Nintendo devices.
For smart decision makers, For famous SuperStars, They used to play Sonic Game which runs on SIGA ( WOW WALA KADEEEEM ANA) But I used to love this game.
ممكن توضح عن شنو يتكلم الكتاب ؟
و البابايات وين راحت ؟
ومسرحيات هدى حسين :)))
و اللي يشتركون بإذاعة المدرسة والنشاطات (تعتبر ألعاب) انا فرقت وياي وايد
لما كنا بالفن الشعبي وبالموسيقى كنا لما نطلع مدارس ثانيه مستوعبين ان احنا نمثل مدرستنا ف كنا نتصرف بذرابة أكثر
ونفس الشي الجمباز
كانت أبلتي اتخليني ادرب البنات هاذي بحد ذاتها تعطي ثقة
بشكل عام كل شي بالمدرسة غير الدراسة نفسها انا اعتبره مؤثر ومؤثر قوي جدا
ادري طولت بس انت شجعت في نهاية البوست ان نكتب وجهة نظرنا :)
ليش ما تكتب بالعربي :)
The best game i can remember was playing with my matchbox collection of small cars, i think it helped me learn how to drive and park :) lol
realy , i miss the old stuff and games we used to do.
nowdays we hardly find the time to do similar stuff, and i find my self fighting with my children to play their games ..وناسة والله
ra7at ayam el moksi ba3ed el madrasa ? :)
anonymous 1:
nintendo vs. sega :P
anonymous 2:
ما عطيتج طاف بس انتي تبين اكتب عربي و وهقتيني... طول اليوم احاتي شلون بشرح الكتاب بالعربي لووول
بخلاصة... الكتاب يتكلم عن عقل الطفل... الطفل عقلة و تفكيره و طريقته للإستوعاب
فالكتاب يحبذ (يعني ينصح صح؟) لووول انه اولياء الامور يقرون حق الطفل القصص القديدمة لأنه راح تساعد على نمو عقلة بطريقة مفيدة...
مثلا... لأنه الطفل نا عنده القدرة على ربط اكثر من شخصية للشخص الواحد. لما أمه تزفة او تخانقه راح يتذكر سندريلا و الام الشريرة او شخصية ثانية شريرة و راح يقول بعقلة انه هذي الي زفتني مو امي... هذي الساحرة... و هالتفكير يريح الطفل عقلانيا
لووول إنشاءالله ما خربطت وايد و انصح بالكتاب
بدعت أهم شي الإستوعاب لووول
لا انا ما اقصد انك ترد علي بالعربي أقصد ودي أشوف اسلوبك بالبوستات بالعربي بس الحين هونت هههههه
خلنا على الانجليزي أبرك
انا خفت تكون مادة الكتاب حلوة وأحتاجها و يطوفني ف قلت أسأل خو عندي وقت اقرا :)
ثانكيوووو على الرد عزيزي
و خف علينا بالبدليات :p
ليش ؟
والله ما قلت شي بالعكس إسلوبك بالإنجليزي حلو مع إن أسلوبي أحلى
لا مو قصدي أضيق خلقك بس إستوعاب شنو هههه والله مبدع عبدالعزيز إنتا هههه
شوف مطقوق أسلوبه أسوأ من إسلوبك بالإنجليزي وأحسن من إسلوبك بالعربي يعني لا يضيق خلقك
و ترى متابعة
البلوق الوحيد اللي يضحك بلوقك
توه أقول حق اختي عالعشا عنه متنا من الضحك على سالفة بوزليغة
لحضه!!! هاهاهاها توها توصل! إستيعاب مو إستوعاب
ولا هم مو صح؟
عالبغكه يبا
إي صح
you got it right this time
good job loooool
Believe it or not?! when we buy toys or games for our children of our choice it is something we always wanted to play with. Example to make my point clear... my hus’s first toy to my daughter 2 month old was car on battery ... can you believe it? He was very much convinced that the money spent on this car worth it and the 2month old girl will enjoy Mercedese works on batteries!!!! Will not tell you what I got my son…
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