Someone once said “if heaven doesn’t have blackberry service then it isn’t heaven at all, its hell!”
Actually I said that, I just said that so I can say that “someone once said ‘if heaven doesn’t have blackberry service then it isn’t heaven at all, its hell!’” so I don’t have to lie. Just like Abe Lincoln, I don’t lie.
Well, if I was a liar I guess I’d lie about that earlier statement wouldn’t I?
Anyway… So… Blackberry… WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE :P
Who needs to be connected to their emails all the time? Seriously, I think the only reason Blackberry came out, was for those people who work in banks like Citibank, J.P. Morgan etc (those who ruined the world economy by the way) who are on planes almost all the time visiting clients, would be connected to their email accounts. (This can be done using other phones but a bit more complicated)
Another reason to own a Blackberry might be integration with world class enterprise systems like Oracle and SAP, so business people can see daily sales, stock, etc, on their mobiles at any given time. (This can be done using other phones but a bit more complicated)
I guess now Blackberry is a “status symbol”. If you want to look cool and sophisticated and “important” carry a Blackberry.
Well… I don’t want to spend 199 KD on a Blackberry and pay 24 KD a month to get access to internet and to Blackberry services to look cool.
So… I will carry this! :P from far away and if I’m driving and holding it, it will seem like a Blackberry.
What do you think? It has the same shape and size as a Blackberry. The same style keyboard. This one even has a cool looking track ball center button thingy.
PS. Don't tell me "its a good phone", as a phone, Nokia is #1 :P
LooL :D I loved it.. THANK U SO MUCH
You are absolutly right. For me, if I want to buy and use Blackberry or any other PDA device, I need to have a valid resons to do that. We are living 24 hours/day, 8 full hours at work, infront of our PCs, 8 Hours sleeping, 2-3 hours suffring the web from home or a coffee shop. So we access the web not less than 10 full hours aday. So whats the meaning of getting Blackberry.
I think the only reason why blackberry on every hand these days is TEFELSSEF and fake showup. 12 and 13 years old kids are carrying blackberry. Thats why its useless.
I agree completely with Anonymous on his comment - blackberry boooooooooooooo
By the way, did any body think why the call it Blackberry ????? and not blueberry or orangeberry lol
Most companies are providing it free to their managers to give them better access. Good idea for the company and bad idea for the poor manager.
Of course those who sit in the office 8 hours in front of PC and 2-3 hours surfing the net from home/coffee shop would not need a blackberry. It is not meant for you anyway.
Don't be jealous for those who has valid reasons to carry the "cool trendy phone" and just because you don't :P
They call it Blackberry becasue the device is running on BlackBerry Software, the software called Blackberry.
This is only an opinion, Im not jealous, its very easy to get this device. But for me, It is soooo stipid to get this device just to showoff. When anyone buy this device, he should use it properly and know how to use all the functions in it, Not just for sending Bluetooth to Jeyaker Girls in Starbucks.
I agree I did not felt once that i need it or want it..... what has been said is very true and makes me wonder why for God sake every one is carrying one? do all of these ppl really need it? I've seen some of them really do but not all of them.
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