We got a Gift Basket as a promotional gift from Quick Picks the other day.
It was a welcomed break, we all gathered in my office and enjoyed these tasty fruits.
I love the idea. It is sooooo healthy and the fruits were all fresh and well chosen, very juicy and sweet in taste.
The basket the fruit came in was nice as well.
Ok, the price is a bit (way too high) expensive.
I'd advise that they reduce the price to compete in the market and make this idea a common gift not a luxury gift.
If it was me, i'd also offer Vegetable Basket (Carrots, Cucumbers, Green lettuce, Red Lettuce, Baby Tomatoes, Celery, Broccoli, etc.)
With this Veggie Basket, they can offer like Ranch Dip, or 1000 Islands Dip, or Special Imported Sea Salt (used in Japan with Tempura... yummy)
i think that would do well but not as well as the fruit basket.
LOL its not as romantic as the fruit basket LOOOOOL
Imagine that!!! someone would bring you a Vegetable Basket as a romantic gift :P looool
"you're the letuce of my life"
"when i think of you... broccoli comes to mind"
"i love you so much... i wanna break you like celery and dip you in rotten blue cheese"
ok... so its not for the romantic evenings... maybe for luncheons and picnics ?
here is their website
Nice .. But what I truly liked was the Aquafina bottled water :)
hahahahah now i know YOU! :P
yes.. see... i listened :)
who sent it to u?
the fan club guy?
tell him to send me one
me too :p
they sent it to Marketing Manager. And he was kind enough to share it with us all...
it looks and tasted great but damn expensive lol
Lol , Ya I see , thank you for listening :)
hi Mowgli, now they have to send you more FREE baskets after the big advertising message you sent out . lol
PS. ( was it papaya in the basket ) ????
But the lettuce was amazing hahahahah ( the cow fly a little ...hahahahha )
Looks really nice. If we allow our minds to go a bit wild we could think of it as being more romantic than flowers.
This also might have more value than flowers because i can always eat it after enjoying the look, colors.
it was amazing, i liked papaya sry Melon:P
I challenge you it is from a nice lady. Women don’t just talk forever(your earlier post), they send out the nicest fruit basket ever too, see..
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