Mary had a little lamb, little lamb...
That she enjoys to torture...
If Mary was in a civilized country... civilized country...
If Mary was in a civilized country... civilized country...
She'd be thrown in jail...

I'm writing this post and I'm suffocating with a sadness that is unbearable. This is not a funny post. This is a distress call but I know that it is going to deaf ears. Those of you who will sympathize with this post are not the people with the problem.
I really don't know how or where to begin. I'll jump right to it.
It is strange how people justify the insensitive things they do. Their cruelty towards other beings. I'm amazed at how people manage to completely remove all their compassion to the last bit... Stripping away their hearts... Heartless zombies... Scientifically the heart muscle is an organ that pumps blood and keeps the blood circulated. But in literature, when the heart is referenced, it would be the center of compassion, the home of feelings, the counterpart of the "thinking" organ, the brain (but I don't know how one can survive without the other).
Ok… to be more clear… I'm not talking about people abusing other people, there are laws and a justice system to handle that (yeah right!). I'm concerned about how people justify what they're doing to animals. And I'm not talking about the butchering… at least there, the animal's misery would end at death.
God damn it… what? Animals don't feel? Just because our brain is functioning at a higher level than the animal's (yeah right!), doesn't mean that our hearts are as well.
I'm having difficulty writing… the pain caused by what I saw is so intense it's just pushing my rib cage out. (I might be exaggerating a bit... yeah right!)
We have a neighbor ok? He's "supposed" to be a man of religion. Now they have a cute (underline Cute) lamb tide outside their house. For the last week, every time I pull out of the house or return, I hear this poor unfortunate lamb making that sheep noise. And it is as obvious as the rising sun that the lamb is calling for his mother. You can just sense his pain, his voice… his call… his desperation… reaching… hoping his calls will be answered back with a motherly reply… and the warm body of his mother close… But in reality, he's only answered by the cold air, and the occasional scare of a car whizzing by, just half a meter away from him. And when he gives up on his wailing determination in reaching his mother… and he finally falls asleep, all alone… it would only be until the next day when he gathers enough strength to start again.
Are we so sure that since this little lamb is not "like us" he cannot feel loneliness? That being robbed from his God given right to a mother nursing him, loving him… is ok? Why? Oh, because he cannot SCREAM OUT THE WORDS "I NEED MY MOTHER"?
You know what? If I ever do get married and have kids of my own… I'd love them deeply and would not refuse them anything… but when their happiness comes at the expense of another being's suffering… they better be prepared to hear the word "NO".
And you know what? I'm not even against having a pet. But would it kill them if they got another lamb with this one? To keep each other company? And would it kill them to put the lamb inside the house? At least be sheltered by a brick wall… it's no "mother" but it is better than being thrown outside in the street and tied with a rope.
I'll cut this short since I've heard many complaints that my posts are long.
On a final note… if you doubt that animals DO feel… read the book "When elephants weep".
God damn it… I'm so furious…

(yeah right!)
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