Yes... it's true... During the first 10 days of this year, I participated (along with 3 million Muslims) in a ritual, a pilgrimage.
I am back from that journey a new. No more sarcastic posts for me. No more 'taking things lightly... No Sir... No more questioning things like Religion and Faith.
PUH-LEEEZE!! Yeah right... Like that's going to happen. Like i'm going to submissively let myself be brain washed into being a sheep to be herd and cultivated and homogenized.
Look... I went, I did, I returned... I've got lots of things to share, to critisize, and of course... to mock!!!
But of course, due to the graphic nature of what I have to say, I thought i'd post this Pre-Post and see the reaction of you lovely readers.
Shall I go forward and write my Hajj Post?
But be warned, some of you will be insulted, and some will be... even more insulted... and some will be enlightened (ummm... not really... probably even more insulted) ... (I kid... I kid... Did I ever insult anyone's beliefs, ethics, morals, and all that crap?)
Anyway... I'll see the comments and barring any unforeseen events, will post Hajj-Post soon after. But in the end, this is your Blog, readers. If you are not mentally fit to read a post that might challenge your intellect... Hey you're the Boss.
These are my morals... if you don't like them.......... I can change.
Yours truly,
Hajji al-aQra3
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