They are…
The stupid!
It never ceases to amaze me how the human race can conquer the skies, and yet…
I was in Gitex alright… and I saw this machine. Now I’ve seen it before (it was being pitched as a marketing gimmick and I thought it was a stupid idea) but I never thought it would see the light of day. What am I talking about? Here…

This is it… and for those of you who haven’t seen this before, it’s a machine, right… and it has cables of all the major mobile phone brands… if you ever needed a charger in a mall or in Gitex for example, you can hook up your phone to that machine and charge your phone for free.
I mean, it is 2007! God damn it. Who in his right mind would be caught off guard when it comes to their cell phone battery? I mean… LOOK!!!! THERE IS A BAR ON THE PHONE DISPLAY SCREEN! It shows you (approximately) how much battery is left on your cell phone. And IN CASE YOU’RE BLIND! IT BEEPS AS WELL… when the battery level is very low.
So… how unorganized can you be to notice ALL OF A SUDDEN, that… ops... my phone is dead.
I find it so so soooo hard to believe that in this day and age this problem exists. It is not ROCKET SCIENCE! You look at your phone, you see the battery level, you plug in the charger at one end, and then you plug in the charger to an electricity outlet on your wall! VOILA! And I mean… it’s not like the concept is new to those people, they HAVE charged their phones before. It’s not like they buy a phone already charged and when the battery dies they just throw it away and buy a new one! They HAVE been through a CHARGING PROCEDURE… so… (a moment of silence) so... what went wrong?
I would like to ask them that question… what happened? What went wrong? Why? In the name of all that has an IQ of 13 and above… why did you allow such a silly… silly… thing happen to you?
And of course… I’m sure the only answer I’ll get is… a blank face… or as I like to call it… “the no battery face”.
And people… people… people… come on!!!!!!!
How can you do it? Stand in front of a machine… with your phone plugged in and just waiting for it to charge for how long? 10? 15 minutes… doing nothing… idling… IN THE MIDDLE OF A MALL!!! I mean, you’re just standing there… as good as the machine next to you… CORRECTION! The machine is better… at least it is charging YOUR phone!
Ok… it’s was a mistake… and it happened… Now your phone is out of battery… SO F-ing WHAT?!!! I mean, what kind of person can’t… JUST CAN’T… live without a cell phone for half an hour or 1 hour? Who? Stock broker? Maybe… but if you’re a stock broker stupid enough to forget to charge your battery… you shouldn’t handle other people’s money! Other than that… what’s so important that you just can’t stay “disconnected” from the telecommunications web? Are you a machine and your phone is your life support link? What? The only explanation I can come up with… and I’m trying to be as objective as possible…
Is that you’re F-ing STUPID!
Do me a favor…
Do YOURSELF a favor…
Charge your phones. Be organized! Think ahead!
And I would also like to say…
Sorry… I have to end this post here… my laptop is running out of battery.
But I swear! It wasn't my fault I… I…………………………………………
1 comment:
hehe i dnt knw why i laughed:P
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