Ok… I love Japan… but that doesn't mean I can't "dis" it, does it?
The Bathroom:
The first thing I noticed since my last trip to Japan was that their bathrooms have gotten considerably larger, roomier, and more comfortable.
I wrote the hotel manager:
"Dear Mr. Hotel Manager Sir,
As you know, being such a kind person that I am, I would like to contribute to this fine establishment. I have an idea that would allow you to reduce the size of your bathrooms even more.
You could get rid of the sink. There's a bathtub and people can use that to wash their hands, faces, brush their teeth, etc.
This way you'd have reduced your bathroom square footage by 28%."
Notice the proximity of the bathroom and the bed. Really, there's nothing separating them other than the 10cm wall / patrician thing there. So if you're with somebody… you can forget about intimacy!
Ahh the infamous toilet! It's so complicated, that it came with a manual.Now my question is… Japan… fancy robot toilets… technology this, technology that…
WHAT'S UP WITH THE ROOM KEY?!!! Who am I? A dungeon master? A jailer?!!
Disposing of Trash:
Ok… this… I wish they provided a manual for.I really didn't know which trash can to use… Yes, Mr. Pringles is a can, but a carton can. It does have some metal in it. But then again… Aaaaaaah! So confusing… must sleep… brain cells dead… I'll leave it for the room service lady to decide.
جدة غير
Ops, I mean Japan is different!
Their coca cola bottles are cute and cuddly!
Their kitkats are cute and cuddly!
And... drum roll please........ dum dum dum daaaaaaaaaam...
Their watermelons are cute and cuddly. :-)

by the way... that one costs about 36.000 KD ($120.00)
On a side note… does anyone remember this show? ***
And lastly… who goes to Japan and doesn't eat sushi? KILA MA6GOOG!!!
On the way back… on the plane:
Has this ever happened to you?
You'd go to the plane bathroom, it's a long flight, a night flight, so naturally, the lights are dim in the plane cabinets… anyway… you'd enter the bathroom, and PHEEWWWWW!!!!!! JEEEEEE WIZZZ!!! Someone has really made a mess in there! (sorry but this is important, please read on).
Now 2 things are going on in my mind…
How I can brush my teeth as quickly as possible, without intoxication.
And… more importantly… I hear someone waiting outside for the bathroom… How, in those brief yet CRUCIAL eye contact moments that will occur right after I leave the bathroom… how I can telepathically tell him that it wasn't me who made the mess.
I had a plan… as soon as I opened the door I put on a disgusted face (you know, the face that those British folks are famous for).
Then as I had hoped, I raised my head and "eye contact", I shook my head, and not in so many words, portrayed to him that I was victimized in there, and that I wished him goodluck.
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