i went out and shopped a little, i was feeling tired and sleepy all day.
i went to tokyu hands and got these powders etc for a bath.
seriously, i'm loving Bagel & Bagel, they've got the most amazing bagel i've ever tasted.
sorry the pic is not clear, but it says "i'm going out it" looool what does that mean exactly? what are you "outing" exactly ? gas? :P
nice shorts? it looks like a traditional arabic sofa texture doesn't it ?
The rain was cold and lovely... i'll miss the rain when i go back home :(
i know the shirt is not clearly traced out, but its light beige
lets see here, this is not a wine bottle, its bubble bath apple flavor.. and then chocolate cream flavor and then skim milk cream goodnight (dont know why goodnight) flavor... this is a cappuccino not a bubble bath
round two at pasta... this time it was much better... and seriously this time i tried Wassabi sauce... amaaaazzzzinG :D
and the two bagels there, blueberry and the other is green tea and vanilla.
Oh my God!! I want to be a sloth in my next life...or maybe I'll start now and go take a nap!
is this sloth the :
the more you stare , the funner it gets ...animal ???? lol
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