so i ran 10 k in 1 hour exactly... and then i walked the other 1.5 k
i have reached a place in learning kanji that i cannot learn anymore, i feel... i'm like a cup already full.. and i feel that my learning abilities are decreasing... for example... before, it takes me maybe 1 day or 3-4 times to go over 15 kanjis to learn them... now i feel what i study goes straight out of my mind :(
i hate this feeling... it might just be over exhaustion...
anyway... i'll sleep early today and study in the morning... possibly it might be better...

watch this funny clip
and check out the latest Coca Cola TVCM (TV Commercial) for Fifa World Cup - Funny
You need a good sleep and rest + another chocolate bath :)
"Full cup" feeling is exactly what I went through at that time, I am glad somebody do understand that feeling. It is a very weird feeling.
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