Today must be "Take your pet for a walk day" lol and people ask me in what way Japan is weird!!!! loooooool see the photos (aaaaah man.. uploads not working.. i'll try again tomorrow) too bad....
I went and met my friends from school in Namba Parks... and we have lunch.. i also shared some sweets with them from Daimaru... very delicious...
Since now most stores have SALE. I visited two stores that i JUST RECENTLY bought from... 1 of them had a sale, and if i didn't buy it back then and waited for the sale, i would have saved around hmmm 25 KD :/ but i'm glad the other shop which i also spent a lot in, had no sale :D
after that, i met another group of classmates and we went to an indian restaurant...
I like this dog... he looks like a german shepard but his ears are way longer.
ahhh.. today... lots of funny videos as well.
Last one is hilarious
Kua Aina's Avocado burger!!!!!!!!
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