with lots of effort, i woke up at 7 am. quickly set my clothes ready and prayed... then my classmate and dorm mate knocked my door to make sure i'm up... I met him down and had my first breakfast since i came to Japan 3 months ago lol
i hurriedly came back to my room, showered and we both walked to school, reaching it around 8:20...
the field trip started shortly afterward and the details are in the captions of the pictures below.
i need to mention something.. that today God really, really loves us. (well, especially today anyway hehhee) up until yesterday, the weather forecast was supposed to be rainy+cloudy all day... and as you can see in the pictures, beautiful sun, and cool breeze... unbelievable, seriously, not a single cloud... a miracle, hallelujah! :P
Also, i sat next to the three Korean girls from my class, and i was with them throughout the trip, they are cool and i'm glad i got to know them more, since we never talked during class... they also say, i have the best laugh... lol... they say it's contagious and very cute :D
after coming back at around 7 pm... i went and did some shopping.. i'm very happy about what i bought... :D sometimes you buy something halfheartedly, and not too sure about it and you get "buyer's remorse" but today what i bought i really like :)
and got back home.. here i am :) and the upload is working... which is icing on the cake :D
by the way, yesterday's game, Germany in black uniforms... is it just me, or are the uniform's cool lookin'?
after this blog, i'm will start packing... i'll keep only the clothes that i'll use outside.. but atleast i'll know how much my bags weigh, etc. anyway i don't have anything else to buy...
also, i've added some pictures that were not taken today... as well... i've added links to some pictures taken a few days ago, but i put them in their proper dated Post.
PS. i am very happy... seriously... i am blessed and i hope everyone can feel the same feeling i'm feeling right now, do you feel me? (how many 'feel' did i use?) ;)
even one of the ladies that cook for the dorm told me, you look very happy... why? I said its because of school finishing... but thats not the whole truth... the truth is that it isn't a SINGLE reason... rather... its the accumulation of everything that happened to me in life that brought me to this moment... where i can genuinely smile... and thank God... for everything... what a blessing :) (i'm getting teary just writing this)
how do you repay God, the universe, the world, karma, whatever... for this feeling? how do you pass it forward? aaaaahhhh :)
I am very, very, grateful :)

This is on the ferry. We boarded the ferry in the buses, then we walked around on the ferry.

Amazing weather, isn't it?

That was an attempt at a funky picture

we took a lunch break here...

there were plenty of fish, jellyfish, and i believe the big fish is a puffer fish

we then went to Iwaji Earthquake Memorial, this is a size 7 earthquake on the rector scale

a sample of a house during the quake

here, we're going to a bridge over a whirlpool, though we didn't see any whirlpool, i guess the timing wasn't right, but it was beautiful nevertheless

the view from the bridge

did i ever tell you i'm afraid of heights?

this is on our final stop, souvenirs shopping, ok this is a beautiful picture... could be a wallpaper picture no?

lol no comment!

this is in Namba Parks.. i was walking through this shop and without consciously realizing it, i felt a good feeling when i past this t-shirt... something was familiar and making me feel good... i looked again... and i saw my beautiful country :) lol never mind the description.
ok now pictures from before

me reaching the GREEN LEVEL on my Nike-Plus running thing

lol don't stare at the woman... i was taking a picture of the dog... seriously!!! look at the way he's sitting loooooooool what the heck? and when the walking light turned green, she was pulling him up, he didn't want to move.. he stayed like that for a few seconds lol

this is strange, this black car... there is a huge fleet, every sunday, they put very patriotic music and notice speeches on those big microphones... very very very noisy... their message is to return Japan to how it was before WWII...

I dont know.. i just liked this picture, the meaning of it is... for the people waiting to enter the train (or is it for the people waiting inside the train? either way) its for the people on one side, to be careful from the barbarians on the other side! lol

A street in Shinsaibashi

This is funny.. it wasn't clear because he was walking fast on the opposite direction... but this guy lol had a Persian cat, shaved in a funny way, on his shoulders. LOL

see the tail LOL
Links (make sure to see them, they are cool as well)
1 -
The card given to me from R (from Taiwan)2-
The card given to me from R (from Spain)3-
Supermarket shopping from 23rd June4-
Smoked Salmon sandwich from 20th post5-
The Milk dessert thing from my friend K. from 20th post6-
The train i took to the airport to meet my friends on 19th7-
My italian lunch on the 19th8-
Supermarket shopping from the 17th9-
Rainy picture from 15th