Then Cat Stevens became Muslim

anyway... When i was studying in the States... i knew a man named Sadeq and he was also a huge fan of Cat Stevens...
We argued about why Yusuf Islam stopped playing music.
"It was a shame... he stopped being an artist for religion... he should have continued... many great artists stop after being religious just like Sulaiman Zeiman (the Bahraini musician)". I said
"No... When someone converts or changes his life's purpose, sometimes drastic changes need to be made" Sadeq would reply.
I was convinced :-/
I come back home to Kuwait in the summer and casually mentioned this to Dad...
"Quiting music after converting to Islam is a big mistake... it gives music a bad name... makes it a sin. he wasn't singing blasphamy before, and he didn't do anything wrong... why quit?" Dad argued.
of course... i was convinced :-\
I went back and told Sadeq
"Quiting music after converting to Islam is a big mistake... it gives music a bad name... makes it a sin. he wasn't singing blasphamy before, and he didn't do anything wrong... why quit?"
And Sadeq replied
"for Cat Stevens, the guitar symbolizes a life he doesn't want to come back to. He wants to change his life completely... And sometimes to show the world that he truly changed, he needs to truly change. If he started playing again, maybe the guitar would get him back to some of his old habits. He wants a new different life"
Yet again... i was... convinced :-S
Next year in the summer i went back home and told dad...
"for Cat Stevens, the guitar symbolizes a life he doesn't want to come back to. He wants to change his life completely... And sometimes to show the world that he truly changed, he needs to truly change. If he started playing again, maybe the guitar would get him back to some of his old habits. He wants a new different life"
And Dad replied
"Cat Stevens has many followers and if he really wanted to benefit Islam, he could have sang and used his talents to support the Islamic Faith... Not hide away from the media. He could have used his popularity to support his cause... not give up what he does well.
Naturally... (you guessed it) i was convinced :-|
i stopped here... i knew there isn't a right or wrong conclusion to this debate.
Yusuf Islam released an album a couple of years ago, it was about Bosnia but he wasn't singing in the album... other people sang.
This year, Yusuf released a music album. Roard Singer which is GREAT!

Here is a clip from an instrumental song, Shamsia. Enjoy. And let me know your opinion regarding the debate above.
موضوع وايد حلوو..
في البداية انت تتكلم عن شخص غير ديانته فشي طبيعي راح يكون متصعب نوعاً ما.. بغض النظر انتقل لأي دين بالنهاية راح يدقق حتى على التفاصيل الصغيرة لهذا الدين بعكس الانسان اللي مقتنع او مازال على دينه فممكن انه يتغاضى عن بعض الامور ممكن تكون كبيرة بس في نظرة انها من صغائر الامور يعني باختصار راح يشوف الماضي اللي كان عايشه غلط ويحتاج لتغيير بمعنى آخر إعادة بناء المستقبل تحت ظل دينه الجديد
والاهم انه اخر شي يخورونها ;p
He's the sweetest.
Actually, he released a CD a couple of year ago called 'An Other Cup'. I liked a few of the tracks. I can't wait to start listening to 'Roadsinger' as I had no idea he had a new CD out...it might have to do with the fact that he released it under just the name Yusuf.
allamba almur3ba:
اهو خارها لما تعصب و قطع العزف
Isn't he? Yeah i agree... he's so humble and sweet.
oh i didn't know that... i'll try to get it. But road singer is the best one after his olden days
ammm i think this is normal for someone who convert, we born as Muslims and we do a lot of let's say wrong or "7aram" and the reasons nobody persuades us about Islam as Cat, i guess many Muslims can't even defend why they are Muslims in big debate or argument.
but is all songs are "7aram"?
Muslims have their song "Anashed", or something like Sami Yousef songs.
I agree with uncle abu abdulaziz, he should thinks more and more before quitting, he can changes his music style according to "alshare3ah alisalmiah" :P, specially with the current media power and the growth of Islamic channels, the effect will be huge on large amount of people.
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