I'm always happy to see companies brave enough to produce advertisements referencing something else. This campaign is referencing the "See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil" from the 3 Wise Monkeys proverb.

I think the company that is daring enough to put ads that might catch only the more educated and are passed over by 50% (less or more) of Kuwait's population might be targeting a small niche market but I guarantee you that, people love companies that acknowledge their intelligence.
I "borrowed" the Zain ads from http://www.4thringroad.com/?p=4838
and I'd like to thank them for it.
1 comment:
"Of course this ad doesn't require much thinking to tie up the reference and i wish i can see more "smarter" ideas in Kuwait's media world... but still..."
You were heading the marketing before..... did not see any "smarter ideas " DAWG....
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