When did mosques start closing between prayers?
if you go to a mosque (i went to a few randomly) lets say at 2 pm, after Noon prayer and a lot before Afternoon prayer, it would probably be closed.
When did the house of God close it's doors to whoever wants to go there and feel closer to his Lord?
Churches don't close expect probably late at night, you'd see people praying there or just sitting contemplating life there all hours of the day.
So when did we say.... nope.... we want to open mosques for these limited time slots only?
Okay... i get it, some people would go there and sleep... is that it? but still... if you can afford to build a mosque, then put in mind the salary of one security staff or regular staff to keep guard and observe whomever sleeps inside the mosque. Other than that... who gave these people the right to build a house of God, then give it operating hours?
Is it just me or is it kind of insulting?
on another note they should ban building any more mosques! Clearly we have enough of them. If someone wants to earn a few extra credits and satisfy the boss upstairs, then build your mosque somewhere in Africa or Asia... just not here ! Why build them and close them 20 hours of the day?
By the way, I think something is wrong with your website. When you post a new blog, its not comming in the right order. If someone is checking, he will see the first blog in the top of the page is an blog, and the new one is down.
Regarding the mosques, there is no single reason which make them close the mosques at anytime. But this is one of the new selly factions which interfered our religon. Same as 7ejaab boo go6ee.
thank you for bringing it to my attention. Actually i posted it by mistake between older posts. i fixed it now.
That's actually quite cool. I heard from someone that they do that because people used to drink some weird mixture of i don't know what with i don't know what, which has the effect of alcohol. Plus, mosque dudes are rapists and child molesters .. KIDDING!
LoL .. You reminded me of this article:
Great Minds ;)
security reasons
السيد الفاضل صاحب هذه المدونة
أرجو منك الالتزام بالقانون ان لم تكن تبالي بالدين. القانون الكويتي يجرم الطريقة التي تتحدث بها عن الذات الالهية. ولو تقدم اي شخص بكتاب للنائب العام فستحول للمحاكمه و قد تسجن
No comments :P lol you said it all lol
thanks for sharing, i read it, i like it alot and agree totally with it. ;)
Well then put a security guard, also, how do the churches do it?
شكرا على حرصك و خوفك علي و لكن تطمن عزيزي... الذات الإلهية مصونة. و بالعكس تماما... أنا اطالب ان المساجد تفتح بيبانها طوال اليوم للعابدين والمؤمنين
كأنه موقلي "خقها" باللهجة الكويتية
Zeco, I agree with you totally and completely, we can't always pray in pray time and this god house, so as Muslims we should have access to it from alfajer to after alaysha at least :S, ba3den shino ya3ny ? ya a9ali bl time wla i dont :S.
once i had to do some medical examination in Al-salam hospital, so at 1:30 i wanted to pray, they told me that there's a prayer room next the parking, but i said there's many mosques near by, so it's better to pray there, i went for the first one close, 2nd sheft rial dash o 9akar algate badesh chan agoolei closed, and that guy #$%^&*# refused to let me pray inside and he said i can go inside and pray fe 7osh al mosques o kan 9eef :S, when we pray we should feel relieved mo suffering :s.
fa if i was a new converter Muslim, will i rethink about Islam and muslims specially that guy worked in mosque :S
بعدين وين التعدي على النفس الالهيه ؟
A while back, some disillusioned soul assumed I was Mowgli. I was curious as to who Mowgli was. Yup, that person was disillusioned indeed; there is not the least resemblance between our discourses.
By the way, this post wasn't half as good as your older ones. Stick to watches and to how materialism is the root of all evil. Liked that one a whole lot better.
Good luck
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should i be offended or be happy that someone said you were mowgli?
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