I'm reviewing a product that although its been available in Japan for quite some time, its not very popular in Kuwait. I believe we brought 50 pieces and were all sold out.
Its the Sega HomeStar. It projects stars on your ceiling...
let me be very honest here... its the best gadget i ever bought!
I love the stars and gazing at the night sky. Granted that no simulation can beat the real deal but it is better than nothing. Kuwait's sky sucks big time.
The first time i tried it, i couldn't sleep... looking at the stars made me so relaxed and at peace and my eyes were very heavy, but i resisted strongly shutting them because the scenery was so beautiful.
here... you can see and judge for yourselves :)
They have other products in the range.
gosh its amazing !
as usuall the japanese great imaginations always immpress the world
like the citylight , starlight its so enchantment and magical like the fairytale
but i dont think its suit the kuwaiti style !
You said: 'itha taby' in the first video where you preview the device. It would be nice if you start saying 'itha taby aw tabeen' or 'itha taboon'. Your readers are not just male. Thank you. Feel free to tell me that I have no point.
Also, I WANT ONE! :0)
walah 7ilow, I want one after abu essa discount not yours :P.
Dark angel trust me it will suit kuwaiti semi bars and night clubs restaurants :P.
i think we need it to relax, after a loooooooong day at #@$%*^&%$# 6oooooo6 work.
bs do you still have a stock and how much ?
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