I love the beauty of the complicated watches, and there are many artistic watches that are just breath taking.

This watch forced me to take a path, that i think i will continue on, and i hope, will forever change my life.
I believe that nowadays watches are just for show. Do you really need to have the time on your wrist?
You can tell time,
1. in your car
2. on your office wall
3. on your cell phone
you just can't get away with 5 minutes without seeing a clock somewhere.

So... why do people were watches?
For fashion? As an accessory? Sure...
but then, the watch would reach a price tag where it shifts from "just" an accessory, to a "status symbol"
When i'm wearing a Harry Winston or a Chopard or a Rolex limited edition, or a Vacheron Costantin, I feel different.. i feel more powerful...
and don't tell me this crap, that some watches people won't even recognize as expensive, and its not for show, it might be true... but YOU, YOURSELF know that its expensive, and you feel different... and if you don't feel that, please look deeper into your soul... your unconscious, you ARE feeling better by wearing an expensive and exclusive watch whether you know it or not.
out of 100 people you meet,
- 50 will not recognize the watch
- 50 will, and out of those who do recognize the high value of it
lets say
- 30 will not admire it, and not care
- 20 will admire it and think its a beautiful thing
and out of those 20
- 10 will admire it and think nothing of it...
- 10 will admire it and reflect that probably they can't afford it...
and even if
- 1 person only would feel down and sad by being reminded that he/she can't afford an expensive watch...
then... then... then...
the watch is not worth it.
We human beings are in a constant struggle to define ourselves, to know ourselves,
and this has defined the way we live, the way we eat, the way we dress and we seek material things to possess and we hope that in that, we can define who we are... and this will reduce our unconscious struggle...
I hang a Picasso on my wall, or a Rembrandt on my living room wall, to show people and more important to show MYSELF that i am a collector of the arts, a man of fine taste and considerable means to collect and possess this beautiful art.
sorry for deviating a bit...

that is why i don't wear a watch... I do not want to be an instrument for reminding people of their net-worth, or lack of. I do have a small collection of fine watches from many birthdays and such... and every time i want to wear one, i ask myself... "Abdulaziz.. why are you putting this watch on" and if i really want to know, i'd realize that its because
Its a nice watch
Yeah? Okay but why wear it?
To tell the time
Well no... okay... it looks nice
And do you have to wear everything nice you see in the world? Can you wear the Mona Lisa?
Ok... I LOOK NICER when i wear it.
you're admiting that a piece of metal can affect the way YOU, Abdulaziz, look?
hmmmm.... i'm going somewhere where everyone is wearing an expensive watch and to fit in with the atmosphere, i should wear it.
But Abdulaziz... a watch will not add nor take away from who you are... let them see what you are for who you are. And they are not ALL priced the same... one will be the most expensive and least accessible and do you want to be part of that game?
Not to mention that there is a chance at least one person might feel bad if they see a very nice watch that you can afford but they can't?
Well i can't help it...
You can... don't wear the watch... but a bigger man... Earn people's love, not admiration... Break down these invisible barriers...
am i making any sense? i don't know to be honest...
anyway... i have shared something private about me... and i am fighting this urge to buy expensive things... its a hard and tough fight... but that Citizen watch... told me... IT IS TIME!

what the fuck is happening to you?
stop bullshiting your readers , you have 2 big offices , u drive a beemer , u travel u have fun , and guess what , there is nothing wrong with it , if u can afford it go ahead and do it
u still love money ? dont you?
i know its from that book:P
Great topic, WOW we are improving. I really dont know from where to start, I read the post 2 times, but it didnt help me to understand where u want to end up or whats your point. Anyways,This is my breifing:
1- In this time, the reason why people buy watchs is not to see the time, NO ONE IN THE WORLD BY WATCH NOW TO SEE THE TIME. It is only faction.
2- The comparason between cheep and expensive watchs apply on everything else like cars, Cloths, Sunglasses, and, and..... BMW X5 can be used for the same purpose of BMW X6, the difference is that there are more than 6 or more thousands KD, so why we buy X6, not X5.
Habebe, this is how life is moving now, No one can change it, and now one can run agaienst it. You have to buy some ecpensive watches, good car, becasue your social and financial level insists on you to do that.
So lets stop dreaming, and live the actual.
Last note: With all due respect to Citizen, and to your loyality to Citizen, but its not considered as expensive watch, its maybe a mid range, but not expensive. I think the most Expensive Citizen in the world will never cross 2000 KD. So buy it and enjoy.
Which book??
If this book will teach me how to be JE3s, and the art of Je3asa, then please give me the name of it.
title is
the monk who sold his ferarri
wrote by the filthy welthy rich robin sharma
and by the way, the monk sold his 2003 ferrari to buy the new model 2009
it wasnt about being humble like our friend here
WOW! i really loved how u said that it doesnt feel right to buy a watch that someone else will feel bad cuz they cant afford it.. i never looked at it this way! theres such compassion in ur heart for everyone and thats beautiful mashalla :)
lots of ppl actually do feel that they only buy these expensive things to feel superior and feel "good" about themselves they prize their self image from these material things...
as for me personally i dont wear a watch or jewelry for alot of reasons hehe
but i also believe that if u really like something for the art piece that it is and u can afford it and it will make u happy (which can only be the superficial and temporary happiness cuz no real happiness can come from acquiring things) but if u feel like u want to buy it then by all means do it :) just follow ur heart but as u said be true to it first ;)
Umm. Casio has some excellent watches for 5KD. All you have to do is replace the battery every few years and they will last forever. I've had mine for over 10 years. You know...I'm just saying ;0)
Great post!
looooooool Thank you very much, I will place the order from Amazon today.
Dear Fin,
Its great to know that you are wearing the same a watch for 10 years. I have never heared about that before. It seems that the watch is really good and you like it.
Zecoo if am gona feel bad cuz i can't buy a expensive watch i would really call my self a sick person, alwa7ed lazm akon ganoo3 bli 3ndah, i can see where are pointing in ur topic and i saw ppl yethba7on nafsahim mn alyo3 to buy some brands, once i used to know someone after saluting and kissing you he should check ur shirt label 3lashan a3rf al brand :S. However, there's ppl who really like to buy these watches and watches would keep some value with time not like bags :S.
from religious side if i did my "zakat" after that enshalah a7reg filos up to u, if buying these watches or other things would make you happy, go ahead.
in the end, if u can afford these things and that what make you satisfy, that's ok.
if you think a piece of metal would add a value for u and let ppl respect and admire you, go FUCK URSELF AND FUCK THESE PPL.
you are totaly right. Buying expensive watch or car or any thing else will never add a single value to the person. The human gain his values from different things. This is the right faith.
As soon as you can satisfy yours and your family's needs finacially, and you can afford to by any expeinsive product, then go for it. You dont have to wear or buy cheap products or drive Old shity car to show people that you are kind.
Money in a rich mans world ... i belive it is a song , right ????? :)
nice blog
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