Thursday, July 2, 2009

Zain's latest campaign

Nice going Zain...I congratulate Zain for going with this advertisement concept.

I'm always happy to see companies brave enough to produce advertisements referencing something else. This campaign is referencing the "See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil" from the 3 Wise Monkeys proverb.
Of course this ad doesn't require much thinking to tie up the reference and i wish i can see more "smarter" ideas in Kuwait's media world... but still... its a good start i believe.

I think the company that is daring enough to put ads that might catch only the more educated and are passed over by 50% (less or more) of Kuwait's population might be targeting a small niche market but I guarantee you that, people love companies that acknowledge their intelligence.

I "borrowed" the Zain ads from
and I'd like to thank them for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Of course this ad doesn't require much thinking to tie up the reference and i wish i can see more "smarter" ideas in Kuwait's media world... but still..."
You were heading the marketing before..... did not see any "smarter ideas " DAWG....