Again, woke up, breakfast, cebit... etc etc.
COLD! etc etc.
Enjoy the pictures.

I tried 3 out of the 5 jams today, tomorrow i'll try the rest.

Frost from last night

This is BIG! WIRELESS POWER!!! Fujistu displayed a wireless monitor that isn't even connected to a power plug. How is it working? wireless power... the future is closer than we might think.

Panasonic's 3D technology showcased

Decorative aluminum/steel bars that have LED lights come out from behind.

Another color, another mood.

The Ford Focus replaced the TV/Monitor thingie and replaced it with an ipad machine. I think this will be more popular with other car makers as well. imagine, the customization possibilities!!!

Geeks playing World Of Warcraft

More MSi Windpads

a transparent TV from Samsung. Beautiful, the tv looks like a normal tv but is actually transparent once the tv is off.

Simply Amazing! that will be the future, transparent windows that can be tv screens... i hate to admit it, but day after day, the "future" that we saw in movies in the 80's and 90's is actually coming true.

ASUS's "Audio" centric laptop

Asus's ipad like product, it can be detached from the keyboard

I didnt notice before but apparently ASUS Lambo laptop has a back side that DOES look like a lambo!

Nintendo's 3DS was there as well... I saw it but didn't have a chance to test it due to these teenagers

The Sony Ericsson Play, i was amazed, actually, blown away at the graphics capabilities of the phone, and i found it to be lots of fun

i played with the Sony Ericsson's Arc. I believe it has Android 2.2. It was light, beautiful, responsive.

a company from Turkey used ipads to make a video wall. Beautiful

at Fujitsu's booth, as a sign of insanity, staff and partners cut their ties in half

lol i wonder if he knew that would happen today and wore a cheap tie for that reason
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