We stopped before that at a starbucks and had our fill of morning waker-upper.
The expo was veeeeeery nice. We were met by the our contact and her boss, the Vice President of the company! I didn't expect that at all. We got the tour around the expo. I got lots of ideas as well...
also, what was especially interesting about the expo, my favorite nugget, is that Lupicia has over 50 stores nation wide and USA (SF and Hawaii), each store or area has a unique type of tea that they sell ONLY at that place. You wouldn't be able to buy it at any other place even if it was lupicia store. So... at the expo they had all of those flavors available for sale. :)
After that we went back to the hotel. I bought another football jersey. I have already many Japan football team jerseys. This time i got GAMBA OSAKA :) which also is sponsored by Panasonic... so its a double wammie for me... Osaka and Panasonic.
Oh by the way, i forgot to mention that i bought a wallet yesterday. i am very happy about it... i was sad in Ramadan when i lost my wallet, i really liked that one but i'm also happy with this new one :)
Since we're talking purchases... the shoes... Berluti... unbelievable! They are sooooo beautiful and comfortable and expenses!!! hehehe so i am very hesitant to buy them. Also, the main reason i wanted to buy a new formal shoes is to wear with Dishdasha and Suits (even though i have a black suit now, i want to wear brown shoes with it). The one i liked most was a bit on the funky side with its coloring, its reddish brownish greenish kinda :/ It looked great with the jeans and i'm sure with the dishdasha but maybe not a formal black suit. Hmmm i always thought my next suit purchase would be light gray, but maybe with a brown shoes, i'd better think dark blue... anyway, i postponed this decision, since its a decision that would remove lots of money's from my new wallet :/
* * *
anyway... to TOKYO!
first, we were welcomed by COLD RAIN...
In Tokyo, K. San introduced me to her friend, he is very nice and a very light hearted man. I really enjoyed my time with them.
Now i need to sleep, tomorrow we have to do market survey.
neat huh?
Of course, what's a trip on the shinkansen without umeboshi onigiri
I have found my next car, the Nissan LEAF. 0% Emission. Of course, i hope the day i'll give out 0% emission doesn't come soon :P
You know that story? Jack and the beanstalk? When jack goes up into the skies and into the giant's home, and he sees all the giants furniture and utensils? Well i felt like that... i felt any minute now a giant will walk in screaming "FE FI FO FUM!"
* * *
I felt that the subway trains were crowded here in Tokyo, but after seeing this video clip, i thanked God a gazillion times I wasn't in that place :/
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