Yes.. i am the conspicuous type. I have seen the google monster video on youtube, and i'm never that giving away personal information to any of the web based companies...
that is the main reason why i haven't played farmville by the way! everytime i want to do something in facebook, it requests access to my email account and i stop... no further...
so... i was browsing around google, i just recently discovered google reader (i know i'm outdated) and i just recently made a gmail account (i know... i know.. i'm outdated)
so, then just before finishing... google gave me one of those pages
"you've almost finished creating your account... blah blah blah.... verification needed... blah blah blah... select option of verification... blah blah blah..."
and the only option was by SMS !!
bloody 'ell!!! so now google has linked my mobile number with my online persona! great!!!
sure enough, i reluctantly went through with it, and in 2 seconds i got the verification sms...
seriously! bloody 'ell !!
*side note* i keep saying bloody ell because i just finished watching the english comedy series AN IDIOT ABROAD and the main character just keeps saying that phrase...
looool i think, very very soon, once a child is born, they will get a birth certificate, an ID of some sort, and a gmail account on the spot... bloody 'ell!

anyway... HEY GOOGLE!!! YOU LISTENIN'? You have my number! but I have YOURS as well!!! and i know you're in England somewhere! so don't you go do any funny stuff you hear? I can just as easily locate you by using google earth (nope... that won't do)