Today at school... i seriously don't know what happened, but i felt like... you know... when you fill a cup... and its just full, so the more you pour into it, it just flows out of the cup.. i was like that..
i couldn't write without making a mistake in every letter... every letter... and i couldn't focus... my brain was... just... not... functioning.
It was strange, even after school as i was walking back, i couldn't focus my eyes on anything, my sight goes blank after a second or two... i'm serious and not exaggerating. I focus on something then my mind just focuses out...
My explanation to this is, i think the weekend was too much for me... i mean... studying another language is already very exhausting, so usually i take the weekend to recuperate but this weekend i was working and actually my brain was working over time.
So i guess, because since thursday i was burning up brain cells for business thinking and language studying, and throughout the weekend and even this morning i was thinking about business and work and emailing work and studying... so i guess my fuses blew up lol
I decided to go for a run to reboot my brain... i dont know if worked but i did feel better... this time i jogged for 7.75 km which is my record so far.
So i came back... got my laundry, had dinner (macdonalds new sandwich, shrimp fillet) and then studied...
There was a movie i saw in Kuwait, its Japanese, called Departures, it is AMAZING... i can't not cry when i see it. And ever since i came to Japan, i don't know why, every two-three days this movie comes to my mind and the soundtrack of the movie plays in my mind...
the link to the song, listen to it, its amazingSo today just as i was finishing studying i turned on the tv and it was on tv, i saw the last half of it... in Japanese but because i knew what they were saying i got sucked in right away... and cried again :( lol
This movie is truly, without any doubt, is one of the best movies i've seen!
The Laundry Story
ok so i came back yesterday sunday from Fukuoka, and i have put off doing the laundry since wednesday and i used up most of my clothes on the trip so i was planning to do laundry on Sunday...
We have in the dorm 10 Washing Machines and 5 dryers.
The washing machines were all being used (but the dryers were all empty) being sunday and everyone is doing their laundry... Fine... i waited till very late... even though i had a big headache and was sooo sooo sooooooo tired... i waited till 11 till i had a chance to use 2 washing machines, i was also cleaning my bed sheets (so i had all whites in one machine and colors in the other)
after 1 hour the washing was done... but NOW the dryers are all occupied... i said fine... the cycle of the dryer is 30 minutes, and sometimes people put two coins to make it 1 hour. I figured in an hour i'll be able to dry my clothes.
an hour came, still no dryers free... another 1 hour, i went down and the dryers stopped but the clothes are still inside, so i thought ok i'll come back in 30 minutes maybe the owners will have taken their clothes by then...
30 minutes pass.. nope, clothes there... 1 hour... still the same clothes... God damn it! I am soooo tired and these stupid idiots are too lazy to get their clothes out of the dryers...
so i put my wet clothes in a big plastic bag and took them to my room for the next day (today).
When i came back from school today i went to the laundry room and the dryers are off but there are clothes inside... THE SAME CLOTHES FROM YESTERDAY!!! What THE HELL!!! those lazy idiots have left their clothes in here for over 18 hours... what the hell is going on?
So i opened two dryers and took the clothes out and put them in some plastic baskets lying around. LOL
and then i went for the jog... after i came back i went to check on my clothes, and i entered the laundry room then saw a guy looking at one of my dryers and looking at his clothes in the basket and scratching his head... looking up into the machine and down into the basket... confused look... LOL so i pretended i was there for something else.... and left.. LOOOOOOOOOOL
i checked after 20 minutes... the coast was clear... so i got my stuff :D

This was actually yesterday's breakfast, in Fukuoka,,, soooo delicious (oishii)

Osaka City Hall, i was jogging to see this actually...

When you see this picture, please play this song here